Yingfang Zhou


He currently works as a research associate in Imperial College London on a EOR projects to quantify the heterogeneity effects on remaining oil distribution after waterflooding and EOR processes. He holds a PhD degree from university of Stavanger & IRIS on pore scale modeling of capillary pressure curves under various wetting conditions using rock images. His research interests are pore-scale modeling, enhanced oil recovery, and reservoir simulation. He holds MSc and BSc degrees in Petroleum Engineering from the China University of Geosciences (Beijing). When at CUGB, he worked on horizontal well testing, core scale experiment interpretation and core scale simulation. He currently services as technical reviewer for SPE Journal, Transport in Porous Media, Journal of Petroleum Sciences and Engineering, International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal. He also authored and co-authored 10+ peer-reviewed journal papers in SPE Journal, Journal of Hydrodynamics (B), Acta Petrolei Sinica, and Oil Drilling & Production Technology.